I try to avoid bragging, but I'll say this once:
I make a mean salted caramel.
Sugar, whipping cream, butter, and sea salt: just chuck 'em in, and you get heaven! Add an uber buttery crust to the mix, and it's out of this world.
♫♫ Stellar. ♫♫
Salted Caramel Tart (inspired by OnePotChef)
For crust:
1 cup flour
1 egg yolk
6-7 tablespoons chilled butter
1 tablespoon chilled water
1. In a food processor, process the flour and butter until incorporated. Add in the egg yolk and process again. If the dough still seems coarse and crumbly, add the chilled water. Process until the dough forms and is smooth.
2. On a lightly-floured surface, kneed the dough until elastic. Wrap it into plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 375ºF. Roll the dough between two sheets of parchment paper, until at least 8 to 9 inches in diameter. Place a 7-inch tart tin, bottom facing up, on top of the dough, and cut the dough slightly over the edges of the tin.
4. Grease the tin and transfer the dough. Mold the dough into the shape of the tin. Place a sheet of parchment paper on top and weigh it down with pie weights or uncooked rice.
5. Bake for 12-15 minutes. Remove the parchment paper and rice and bake for an additional 5 minutes.
For the caramel filling:
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup whipping cream
4-5 tablespoons butter
a pinch of sea salt
1. Melt the sugar over medium-high heat. It will turn a deep, amber color.
2. Turn off the heat and add in the whipping cream. Do not worry if the sugar solidifies. Reheat the sugar mixture until it starts to bubble, or reach 226ºF on a candy thermometer. Add in the sea salt.
3. Take the caramel off the heat and add the butter. Stir to melt.
4. Pour the caramel onto the crust and refrigerator for about 3-4 hours. Let the tart come to room temperature before serving.
"Cair-ah-mel" or "cahr-mel:"
how do YOU say your caramel?